Help us!

Volunteers are needed every year for 3 easy shifts on picnic day from 9am until 3pm for the Check-in/Registration/Welcome table at the annual picnic in Dan Ryan Woods:
  • Co-Registrar needed for Registration and Welcome Table: from 9am - 12pm - 1st Shift

  • Co-Registrar needed for Registration and Welcome Table: from 12pm - 2pm - 2nd Shift

  • Co-Registrar needed for Registration and Welcome Table: from  2pm- 5pm - 3rd Shift
You will be helping to welcome family members and guests as they arrive to check-in and print their name tags. Easy, peasy!
We also need help with:

  • Setup - 9am
  • Cleanup - (around 6:30pm-ish)

To pitch a hand at the picnic, please send an email to Milton Haynes:

Subject: I'm Volunteering at there reunion  picnic this summer!

In body of email please Indicate which shift/s you can help! 1st shift? 2nd shift? 3rdshift? or ALL DAY? Or Setup? or Cleanup? Also include your full name, your email address, and your phone number(s). 

Thanks for your help!
We need help every year.

Thanks for your support of the annual TFC!
Established circa 1934!

Mary Lou Haynes
Chair, Heritage Scrapbook Team